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Experts of European Union Meet with NA Deputies and Experts in Parliament
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On September 10, the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs Naira Zohrabyan, the Deputy Chair of the Committee Ani Samsonyan, the NA deputies and experts met with the experts of the European Union in the frameworks of Taiex (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange) instrument Kęstutis Lančinskas, Vicente Corral and Norbert Reebow.

The Representative of the Office of the RA Deputy Minister Mher Grigoryan Astghik Hayrapetyan informed that the EU experts had already had a number of meetings in the RA Police, talked with the Heads of different institutions, got familiarized with the legislative package on the constructive reforms in the police system worked out by the RA Government.

Noting that the guests implement great mission in the formation of the policeman’s new image in our country after the velvet revolution Naira Zohrabyan considered important the works being done in the change of way of thinking and psychology.

“The policeman’s main function should be the protection of human rights,” the Chair of the Standing Committee said. She also touched upon the domestic violence cases and emphasized the application of Prevention of Violence within the Family, Protection of Victims of Violence within the Family and Restoration of Peace in the Family passed by the National Assembly in 2017.

Regarding this the EU Expert Vicente Corral has informed that a Special Department on Domestic Violence has been created in the judicial system of Spain, the country he represents. He has added there is a problem in the EU states and every country has found legislative solutions in a peculiar way: the Ministry of Interior Affairs or the Police should be engaged in the domestic violence cases.

Naira Zohrabyan considered necessary the role and importance of the professional policeman being with such problems in prevention of domestic violence and reconciling the family members.

Kęstutis Lančinskas distinguished three problems for the reforms in the police system: radical structural amendments, elaboration of the legislation in accordance with the international standards and deprivation from old legislative procedure, change of medium circle which issues orders and psychology of police. The investment of mechanism of quick response to the cases was also highlighted.

On the same day the EU experts met with the experts of the NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security. Aram Ter-Sahakyan has informed that he has worked in the police system for about three decades, deemed important the fact of getting rid of the Soviet policeman’s psychology. According to him, policeman-citizen relations have been changed after the velvet revolution, and the community does not perceive the defenders of law as those punishing. During the meeting they talked about the police authorities and other numerous issues.

The experts also noted that, as a result of reforms, the European Union would support and the whole system would be improved.

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