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Speech by NA Deputy Naira Zohabyan at PACE
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“Dear Colleagues, on the eve a very important event took place in our Assembly: the Ombudsman of Artsakh also attended the discussion 'In Europe Grey Zones: The Forgotten People's Cases.' The Institute of Human Rights is one of the established institutes of Artsakh, and it's already more than ten years the institution of Artsakh Ombudsman is a full member of the European Ombudsmen's Institute. It has been repeatedly voiced from this tribune that there shall not be 'grey zones' in Europe and the human right cannot be and shall not be conditioned by the political and legal status of the territory. One year ago our Assembly adopted the Resolution 2240. It gives an opportunity to the Monitoring bodies of the Council of Europe and the UN Human Rights for the unlimited access to the member states, including 'the grey zones.' Finally this Resolution should be called into life. I will remind that by the Resolution the Assembly reaffirmed the legal obligations assumed to the CoE member states fully cooperating and conscientiously acting with the international monitoring mechanisms of human rights, including the access to the conflict zones. And as the former CoE Secretary General Jagland has repeatedly noted: “The Commissioner of Human Rights should have full, free and unlimited access to all unregulated conflict zones at any moment.” Until now, unfortunately, there has been no progress in the Artsakh issue.

I hope that in this case we, among the frozen conflicts also have frozen resolution, and its examples, unfortunately, there have been not few in our Assembly.”

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