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Discussion on Women’s Participation in Political Life to Be Held

Media Advisory Discussion on Women’s Participation in Political Life will be held at Opera Suite Hotel – Mozart Hall on 11 October 2019 (from 10. am to 1.00 pm).

Members of Parliament, and in particular female MPs, political party and civil society representatives will gather this Friday at Opera Suite Hotel from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm to discuss women’s participation in political life.

Beyond a rapid review of international standards and best practices, the participants will address party and electoral quotas, public funding, incentives and sanctions as well as political campaign regulations aimed at increasing women’s representation in party structures and elected bodies. The event is co-organized by the International Foundation for Electoral System (IFES), the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and Oxygen Foundation with financial support from the USAID.

The discussion is part of a broader initiative led by the National Assembly working group on electoral reform to consult with all stakeholders in view of mainstreaming women’s representation in future legislation, and in particular the upcoming revision of the constitutional law on political parties.

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