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Ararat Mirzoyan Receives Laureate of Aurora Annual Prize Mirza Dinnayi
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On October 21, the President of the RA National Assembly Ararat Mirzoyan received the Co-Founder and the Director of Luftbrücke Irak (Air Bridge Iraq) well-known organisation, the fourth Laureate of Aurora Annual Prize Mirza Dinnayi.

Ararat Mirzoyan has expressed his gratitude to Mirza Dinnayi for his great humanity, noting that Armenia which has passed through calamities of history and has seen Genocide, knows very well the value and significance of the work that Mirza Dinnayi has done, helping the Yazidi women and children being tortured on the territories being controlled by the Islamic State.

Ararat Mirzoyan, who has been in the sources of Aurora award-giving initiative and has worked in those frameworks, congratulating Mirza Dinnayi, has noted that it is a double joy for him to see the latter in the role of receiving that prize.

Mirza Dinnayi thanked the President of the National Assembly for the humanitarian support shown to the Yazidi community, as well as the current NA deputy, the representative of the Yazidi community Rustam Bakoyan for his active involvement in the Yazidis' public life.

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