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Seminar in Tsaghkadzor
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On October 18-20, the RA National Assembly on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs together with the GIZ The Public Finance Management in the South Caucasus programme organized a workshop entitled The Role of the Profile Standing Committees and Subcommittee within the relationship between Parliament and Audit Chamber. The deputies, the experts of the RA NA Standing Committees, the members and the representatives of the Audit Chamber, the deputies’ assistants and the GIZ advisers took part in the event.

The Chairman of the NA Subcommittee on Audit Tigran Ulikhanyan, the member of the Audit Chamber Davit Chibukhchyan, the Head of Methodology Analysis and International Relations Department of the Audit Chamber Karen Arustamyan and the GIZ invitee expert Gnel Khachatryan made reports in the workshop.

At the workshop the ways of improving the format and content of cooperation between the parliament and the Audit Chamber were analyzed and discussed.

During the discussions the study of the current conclusions in the NA Standing Committees, the decision of the important issues’ format, the provision of the necessary consultation to the Committee members and the analysis and summary of the recommendations voiced as a result of joint sittings.

The issues regarding on certain volume of knowledge of the audit sphere for observing the procedure of the reached agreements and the development of the relevant capabilities were evaluated.

The consultations between the National Assembly and Audit Chamber will continue in the frameworks of the NA Subcommittee on Audit.

Working Discussion in Dilijan
The two-day working discussion of the draft law On Legal Assistance with Criminal Proceedings and on the theme The processes of the implementation of the inner-state procedures stemming from the ratification of the Statute of the International Criminal Court and the adoption of the relevant legislat...

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