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Items on Refugee Young People’s Problems Discussed
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On October 18, the RA NA deputies Gayane Abrahamyan and Sargis Khandanyan met with the participants of the Youth Coalition and Join the Community programmes, as well as the representatives of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the UNDP Armenian Caritas, Mission Armenia, Aleppo, Armenian Red Cross international and local NGOs and CASA Humanitarian Foundation.

The Youth Coalition and Join the Community programmes initiated by the cooperation of the UNHCR Armenia Office and CASA Foundation consolidate refugees, seekers for asylum, the displaced and the volunteers from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Jordan, Yemen and Armenia.

The participants took a cognitive tour to the National Assembly. Publications by the UNHCR Armenia Office and CASA Foundation were donated to the parliament library.

During the meeting with the MPs the participants voiced the about the problems existing in the sphere, particularly the language obstacles, inaccessibility and employment difficulties.

The possible legislative reforms in the sphere, the opportunity of the stakeholder young people’s involvement in the legislative draft law revision process and the perspectives of the establishment of the stable partnership with the National Assembly were discussed.

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