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OSCE Fully Supports the Amendments in Armenia

RA NA Speaker Artur Baghdasaryan, on June 3 received Christian Shtrohal, Director of OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), Ambassador. Elaine Conkievich, Deputy Head/Officer in Charge, OSCE Office in Yerevan was also present at the meeting.

During the meeting they discussed issues concerning the process of amendments in Armenia. NA Speaker noted the effective cooperation with OSCE and OSCE Yerevan office in the result of which the Electoral Code was amended and is already adopted: the draft law “On the Order of Organizing Meetings, Rallies, Marches and Demonstrations” is in process. A. Baghdasaryan informed Mr. Shtrohal about the discussions on Constitutional amendments. They both highlighted the necessity of joint work with Venice Commission.

Mr. Shtrohal affirmed the readiness of OSCE in advice support and assistance in the processes of implementing amendments, noting that they are ready to support not only in creating laws but also in their use.

During the meeting they discussed other issues as well.

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