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Workshop in Tsaghkadzor
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On November 8-10, the RA National Assembly Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs organized a workshop on Public Debt, Gender Sensitive Budgeting (or budgeting sensitive to needs of women) in Tsaghkadzor with the cooperation of the programme of the GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit/ German International Cooperation Company) Public Finance Management in the South Caucasus.

Deputies of the NA Standing Committees and Factions, experts, the deputy’s assistants, representatives of the Staff and the GIZ took part in it.

The Chair of the NA Audit Sub-Committee Tigran Ulikhanyan and the Regional Head of the Programme in the GIZ Public Finance Management in the South Caucasus Jens Petersen-Thumser made opening remarks. Afterwards the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Mane Tandilyan delivered a speech.

Experts Artak Kyurumyan, Karien Harutyunyan and Mushegh Tumasyan invited by the GIZ also made reports.

The goal of the workshop was to touch upon the legislative regulations of a number of key items of the budgetary process and the existing leading international experience during the ongoing budgetary debates in the National Assembly. They particularly discussed issues on the authorities of the RA Government and the National Assembly in the state debt management process by Armenia, as well as observed the absolute and relative indices of the state debt at the present phase.

The participants have referred to the programme budgeting processes officially invested since 2019, have evaluated the existing problems, as well as have talked about the notion Budgeting Sensitive to Needs of Men and Women which is comparatively new theory, and its goal is showing balanced approach to men and women by the state in public finance planning.

The attendees highly assessed the cooperation with the GIZ Public Finance Management in the South Caucasus and emphasized the implementing of budgetary control by the parliament, including the joint efforts aimed the effective public finance management.

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