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Ararat Mirzoyan Receives Ambassador of Federal Republic of Germany Michael Banzhaf
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On November 18, the President of the RA National Assembly Ararat Mirzoyan received the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Republic of Armenia Michael Banzhaf.

Congratulating Michael Banzhaf on beginning his diplomatic mission in Armenia, Ararat Mirzoyan has noted that there are rather serious and partnership relations between Armenia and Germany, particularly between the two countries’ parliaments, and the active mutual visits at highest level in recent period witness to that. The NA President has welcomed the implementation of the various programmes being financed or technically supported by Germany, which are directed to the continuity of democratic reforms in Armenia and the development of Armenia in general. Ararat Mirzoyan once again has assured that the Armenian authorities are resolute on the way to making democratic reforms, and there will not be regress in this respect. He noted that Armenia would continue its efforts in strengthening the global security and in this aspect highlighted the cooperation between Germany and Armenia in the frameworks of the NATO - Partnership for Peace programme. The NA President has greeted the visits of different MPs of Bundestag to Nagorno Karabakh (NK), which gives a very good opportunity to get acquainted with the problem on the spot and has underlined that irrespective of the NK problem not being solved Armenia will continue protecting the rights of the people living there.

The parties talked about various educational programmes and the good traditions formed between the parliaments of the two countries. “I am sure that the relations between our countries and our parliaments will go on abruptly developing, and you will have your contribution there. I wish success to you,” Ararat Mirzoyan said.

Ambassador Michael Banzhaf has expressed his gratitude for congratulation and has noted that he is glad to be in Armenia and work. “I fully hope that we’ll resume our good cooperation. You mentioned a great palette of German-Armenian cooperation to which I would like to reflect upon. You genuinely noted about effective cooperation, which more developed after the Velvet revolution. You also mentioned about the high ranking officials’ visits, which have more strengthened the relations,” the Ambassador said, informing that next year the visit of the President of the Federal Republic of Germany to Armenia is scheduled Michael Banzhaf has stated that during his short visit he has already seen the Armenian people’s great will in continuing the democratic reforms, and while making reforms a great role is reserved to the parliament, and Germany is ready to show expertise support to the MPs of Armenia. “I think that the agenda of our bilateral relations in near future are rather full, rather weighty and will allow us registering results. We are glad for the democratic course adopted by Armenia, the democratic reforms: it raises Armenia by one degree from different states being on the world platform, where the tendencies are to turn to more authoritarian system. Armenia is one of the unique examples that insistently goes through democratization way, and which is worth of our support,” the Ambassador of Germany to Armenia underlined.

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