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At RA NA Regular Sittings Addenda Being Designed to the Laws on Constitutional Court and Ensuring, Serving the Activity of the Officials and Their Social Guarantees Debated
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On December 10, the RA National Assembly continued the debate in the first reading the draft laws on the Constitutional Court and Ensuring, Serving the Activity of the Officials and Their Social Guarantees.

As the RA Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan has informed, the package was endorsed by the Venice Commission, and the international experience was studied.

The member of the RA NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Suren Grigoryan has noted that the endorsement of the Committee on the package is positive.

Gevorg Gorgisyan presented the negative opinion of the RA NA Bright Armenia on the package, and the Faction would vote against the initiative.

Naira Zohrabyan voiced the negative viewpoint of the RA NA Prosperous Armenia Faction on the legislative package. She informed that the Faction would vote against it.

Hovhannes Hovhannisyan delivered a speech on behalf of the RA NA My Step Faction and noted that they would vote for it.

The RA NA Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan gave an extraordinary speech.

Noting that the parliament debates a very deep item, he touched upon the book Malleus Maleficarum/the Hammer of Witches written by the two theologians of Dominican Order, where they demanded to mercilessly fight against the witches. Making parallels with the mentioned book and today’s events, Ararat Mirzoyan noted that the society of Armenia quiveringly waited about 20-30 years  for a fair force which would clear up and take away the witches that oppressed and plundered the country and the institutes.

The NA Speaker clarified that today a force came to power in Armenia with open hands to solve the problems in legal way, refusing the hunt of witches, combating corruption and establishing legality in the country.

Referring to the legislative package, the Speaker of the Parliament has opined that it is a very democratic legislative initiative which shall be adopted, as there is crisis in the Constitutional Court (CC).

The problem must also be solved as it relates to the most important institute, and the item is connected with legal security of the country.

Ararat Mirzoyan has also stressed the fact that the public does not trust that structure.

Addressing his opposition colleagues, the NA Speaker has noted that the initiative is an opportunity given to the CC members to leave with honour, accept the rules of democracy, admit that there will not be corruption in Armenia, the elections will not falsified, and Armenia will be a democratic and law-abiding country.

In his concluding speech Suren Grigoryan urged his colleagues to vote for the draft law.

In his final speech the RA Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan reflected upon the concerns voiced by the MPs.

The parliament by voting passed the draft laws debated on December 9 and 10, as well as the proposal presented on holding the debate in the second reading on Making Addendum to the Constitutional Law on the Constitutional Court and the enclosed package of bills submitted by the RA NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs within 24 hours.

The regular sitting of the parliament will continue on December 11 at 10:00.

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