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Parliament Ends Work of Extraordinary Sitting
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On December 13, the RA National Assembly continued the work of the extraordinary sitting.

At the beginning of the sitting the RA NA President made an announcement, where he says:

“Yesterday by the historical voting held in the U.S. Senate, the United States of America recognized and condemned one of the most atrocious events of the 20th century, the crime directed to the entire mankind – the annihilation of 1.5mln Armenians in their Motherland by the Ottoman Empire. On behalf of all of you, the three Factions, I would like to greet all my colleagues of the U.S. Senate, as well as the House of Representatives of the Congress, in relation to the unanimous adoption of Resolutions N 150 and 296 and documented that by this important voting the United States joined the world movement aimed at the prevention of genocides. On this occasion I would like to express my thankfulness especially to Senators Menendez and Cruz, as well as before them Congressman Schiff, and all other friends of Armenian origin for the initiative and defense of these bills in the two Chambers of the Congress. I would like to separately express my gratitude to the Armenian Cause (ANCA) /Hye Dat Office and all the friends of the Armenian Assembly of America, who through many years made all efforts for reaching this important recording. As the RA NA President, I would like to underline also our commitment to not saving efforts for the Armenian Genocide recognition and fair compensation. We, as inheritors of the people, who have seen genocide, are committed to be the forerunner for the prevention of crimes aimed against the mankind in order such shaeful pages should not be registered in the history of mankind.”

The MPs debated in the second reading and for completely passing the package of bills on Making Addenda to the RA Law on the Status of Military Units and Military Institutions and on Making Addenda to the RA Law on Military Service and the Serviceman’s Status, on Making Addenda and Amendment to the law on Police and on the RA Administrative-Territorial Division authored by the RA Government.

The initiatives being passed in the first reading had not been amended, as there were no recommendations.

As a result of voting, the abovementioned issues were accepted.

Covering the agenda the parliament ended the work of the extraordinary sitting.

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