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Project on Strategy of Tourism Development of Armenia for 2020-2030 Discussed
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On December 16, the Working Group on Tourism led by the Member of the RA NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Hripsime Grigoryan discussed the project on Strategy of Tourism Development of Armenia for 2020-2030, which in general presented the Chairperson of the Committee for Tourism of the RA Ministry of Economy Susanna Safaryan.

As she has informed, the project comprised of about 110 pages is at the phase of elaboration, it is designed to submit the approval of the RA Government.

According to Hripsime Grigoryan, a big volume of analytical work is done, the current situation of tourism in Armenia and the existing potential, the global tendencies of tourism, which can be as a basis to work out a programme of complex actions proposed for reaching every goal with necessary events and schedule.

The MPs were interested in the programmes, problems to be implemented and the ways of their solution.

The MPs Hayk Gevorgyan and Viktor Yengibaryan addressed questions on the interests of the tourists visiting Armenia, the statistics of the services providing accommodation and investment possibilities, and the MP Artur Dallakyan touched upon the issue of the implementation of the events directed to the rise of the recognizability of Armenia in China. In this issue he considered important the visa facilitation process between the two countries.

The Chairperson of the Committee for Tourism informed that the project of the Strategy of Tourism Development of Armenia for 2020-2030 was worked out for coming 10 years, and the action plan for 5 years. It is designed to implement 20-22 projects in all marzes of Armenia particularly for developing the sphere. The Committee for Tourism cooperates with the investors and donor organizations, focusing on the improvement of the environs and the roads of the tourism centres, adding with car parks and toilets.

The Head of the Working Group Hripsime Grigoryan highlighted the public awareness for the projects being financed by the international colleagues, which would give an opportunity to the private sector to be informed and get ready to apply for grant projects.

During the wrapping up of the meeting it was noted that the MPs’ questions and observations in written form would be submitted to the Committee for Tourism of the RA Ministry of Economy, and additional discussions would be organized.

RA NA President Alen Simonyan visits Yerablur
The RA NA President Alen Simonyan, along with the President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan, the deputies of the NA Civil Contract Faction and other high-ranking officials, visited the Yerablur military pantheon and paid tribute to the memory of those who died in the 44-day war.They laid flowers...

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