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The Role of the Parliament is Important in the Process of Deepening Democracy

On June 27 Artur Baghdasaryan, RA NA Speaker, received the delegation of Ago group acting within the framework of ministers of CE headed by Roland Wegener.

Referring to the process of Constitutional amendments the parties mentioned that in the result of long-lasting discussions they have got the answers to all the difficult questions. Mr. Wegener highlighted the adoption of the draft in the second reading in the defined timetable and the realization of proper propaganda. In his opinion one of the important results achieved during the discussions of the Constitutional amendments is the agreement to the opposition’s participation in the discussions and the full return to the legislative activity of the parliament to which they have already agreed.

Referring to the Constitutional amendments, RA NA Speaker Artur Baghdasaryan, noted that Armenia adopting the necessity of deepening democracy and creating a legislation complying with European standards, initiated serious steps in that direction during the last year. Those steps were the adoption of the draft of “Electoral Code,” the draft law “On the Order of Organizing Meetings, Rallies, Marches and Demonstrations” and especially the Constitutional amendments, which are highlighted in Armenia in the essence of deepening democracy. “Democracy is more law than exception. And we should start from the Basic law of the country,” noted Artur Baghdasaryan. NA Speaker highlighted the comprehensive campaign and the participation of all the layers of the society during the realization of the amendments, which will ensure the adoption of the draft under referendum.

During the meeting they also discussed territorial issues, they referred to the agreement of transferring the South Caucasian parliamentary initiative into a Parliamentary Assembly the activity of which will open new prospects for the development of the region.

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