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Parliament Begins Work of Regular Sittings
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On February 11, the RA National Assembly began the work of the regular sittings.

By the voting of the parliament the draft laws on Making Amendment and Addendum to the RA Land Code authored by the RA NA Bright Armenia Faction, on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Law on Precious Metals authored by the RA NA Prosperous Armenia Faction received negative conclusion were not included in the agenda of the fourth session of the RA NA seventh convocation.

The MPs by voting approved the agenda of the regular sittings.

The National Assembly in the first reading debated the package of the laws on Amending the law on Social Support authored by the Government.

According to the RA Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Zhanna Andreasyan, the Ministry undertook structural amendments in consonance with the programme of the RA Government.

The Deputy Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Health and Care and Social Affairs Heriknaz Tigranyan presented the endorsement of the Head Committee.

The parliament debated in the first reading the draft law on Making Addenda to the RA Law on State Allowances.

The key speaker, the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Health and Care and Social Affairs Narek Zeynalyan presented the draft law.

The RA NA Standing Committee on Health and Care and Social Affairs endorsed the draft law.

The RA Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Zhanna Andreasyan presented the positive viewpoint of the RA Government.

The MPs highlighted the adoption of the legislative initiative, presenting a number of proposals.

Afterwards the draft law on Amending the RA Law on Medical Aid and Service of the Population with the legislative package authored by the government was debated in the first reading.

The RA Deputy Minister of Health Anahit Avanesyan clarified that the law adopted in 1996 was written with new edition.

The experience of a number of countries, as Norway, France, the RF, the U.S. implementing remote medicine service was studied for that purpose. Now there are more than 250 programmes of remote medicine are well- known in the world.

Narek Zeynalyan informed that the RA NA Standing Committee on Health and Care and Social Affairs debated in detail the package and endorsed it. He noted that the Committee presented 94 recommendations, 82 out of them were adopted.

Some MPs have expressed their viewpoints noting that it is necessary to hold parliamentary hearings for debating the legislative and controversial issues concerning the sphere. The key speaker considered expedient the proposal of holding hearings though noting that the package repeatedly was debated.

Afterwards the draft law on Amending the law on Land Tax authored by Argishti Mekhakyan and Gevorg Papoyan was debated in the first reading.

Artashes Petrosyan presented the endorsement of the Head Committee. The Government endorsed the bill.

The parliament in the first reading debated the draft law on Making Addendum to the RA Law on Local Self-Government authored by the RA NA Bright Armenia Faction.

The key speaker Armen Yeghiazaryan presented the draft law.

The draft law on Making Addendum to the law on Local Self-Government authored by the RA NA My Step Faction was debated in the first reading.

The deputy Vahe Ghalumyan presented the endorsements of the RA NA Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment.

The RA Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures Vache Terteryan expressed the positive opinions of the Government.

At the last sitting of the day in accordance with the t RA Constitutional Law the NA Rules of Procedure, the RA NA deputies made statements.

The parliament will continue the work of the sitting on February 12 at 10:00.

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