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Issues on Audit Activity Debated in Parliamentary Committee
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On March 2, on the initiative of the RA NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs representatives of the professional community being involved with auditory activity in the state and private structures were in the RA National Assembly.

The Committee Chair Mane Tandilyan informed that the working discussion was organized taking into consideration the situation and developments created in the sphere of inner audit.

At the meeting issues were debated which related to the assignment given to the departments of the public sector by the Staff of the RA Government in October of the previous year.

To Mane Tandilyan’s observation, the problem is that after outsourcing of the inner audit function the sub-units of those structures or the departments should be dissolved. The Committee Chair proposed the RA Minister of Finance Atom Janjughazyan to clarify the reason and expediency of making such decision.

In this context Atom Janjughazyan has informed that the inner audit system investment was launched in 2011. He considered effective the outsourcing of the inner audit, taking into consideration the high qualification of working auditors working in those structures.

Atom Janjughazyan presented the statistics existing until 2018.

During exchange of ideas the participants of the discussion presented a number of proposals directed to the further settlement of the issue.

In his final speech Atom Janjughazyan underlined that the item of resourcing was discussed in the established procedure and a relevant decision was made. He expressed readiness to continue the debates, without stopping the started works, as the participants of the meeting proposed.

The Committee Chair Mane Tandilyan has also expressed readiness to organize meetings later as, according to her, there are numerous problems, The Committee Chair proposed to present the voiced recommendations in written form.

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