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At Extraordinary Sitting of RA NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs
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On March 30, the extraordinary sitting of the RA NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs moderated by Vladimir Vardanyan was held, where the package of the draft laws on Making Addenda to the Law on Legal Regime of the State of Emergency and on Making Addendum to the Law on Electronic Communication authored by the government was debated in the second reading.

The RA First Deputy Minister of Justice Rafik Grigoryan noted that the legislative package had been amended after the first reading.

As the key speaker informed, the package of the draft laws will allow making use of the opportunities given by the information technologies to find out the circle of the persons infected by coronavirus, as well as those contacting by telephone with them, the number of the calls and their venue.

According to the Deputy Speaker, the interventions to the personal data will be of temporary character. It is banned to get acquainted with the content of the telephone conversation or message or using them for other purposes. The information received through telephones and telephone calls will be destroyed after the end of the state of emergency, within one month.

The MPs presented a number of recommendations, which had been mostly accepted by the author.

The Committee endorsed the legislative package revised by the recommendations.

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