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Parliament Ends Work of Extraordinary Sitting
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On March 31, the parliament continued the work of the extraordinary sitting, debating the legislative package on Making Addenda to the Law on Legal Regime of the State of Emergency and on Making Addendum to the Law on Electronic Communication in the second reading and for completely passing it.

The RA Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan underlined that he followed the criticism voicing in relation with the draft law in the social networks and presented clarifications. He has reminded that the restrictions refer to the state of emergency declared exclusively on the ground of the pandemic, and after that no restriction will be applied to them.

Rustam Badasyan noted that the package was revised based on the recommendations after the first reading.

Presenting the endorsement of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs the deputy Nazeli Baghdasaryan touched upon some problematic provisions and the revisions made from the first to the second reading.

The NA deputies also referred to the substantiations.

Taron Simonyan expressed the viewpoint of the NA Bright Armenia Faction, assessing that the instrument being proposed for fighting against the pandemic, and it is out of place in the technical and professional aspect.

The Secretary of the NA Prosperous Armenia Faction Arman Abovyan presented the viewpoint of the Faction and opined that the proposing mechanism would not work.

As the Head of the NA My Step Faction Lilit Makunts has evaluated, adequate quick solutions are necessary for the prevention of the virus, and the proposal of the government is aimed at them. She has underscored that during these days even in the most democratic states unprecedented restrictions are entered, as the problems relates to the people’s life. The Head of the Faction noted that they would vote for the legislative package, giving an opportunity the Commandant’s Office to take necessary actions.

In his extraordinary speech the NA Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan has reflected upon the voiced viewpoints and concerns, The Head of the Parliament has documented that the Government proposes regulation for the state of emergency declared because of extraordinary situation caused because of the pandemic.

The NA Speaker also related to some critical remarks addressed to the authorities, particularly accusations on restrictions of human rights and freedoms. He reminded the attendees that they spent the great part of their life fighting for that right.

Agreeing that this regulation will refer to few people, as most of them will contact by WhatsApp, Signal and other supplements, nevertheless Ararat Mirzoyan has emphasized this instrument, underlining that it can relate to dozens, hundreds, perhaps, thousands of people’s life.

According to the Speaker of the National Assembly, the initiative presented by the Government has been discussed, revised and now has been reached to favourable and balanced point.

In their final speeches, the member of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Nazeli Baghdasaryan and the RA Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan touched upon the voiced viewpoints and recommendations.

Rustam Badasyan informed that the Government made a decision to remove from the agenda in the second reading procedure the bill on Making Addenda to the Law in Medical Aid and Service of the Population.

The parliament debated in the second reading and completely passing the bill on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Law on Joint Stock Companies authored by the Government and the package of the enclosed presented bills.

The key speaker, the RA Deputy Minister of Economy Avag Avanesyan informed that a number of amendments had been made in the package based on the recommendations presented from the first to the second reading.

The Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Babken Tunyan noted that the proposing regime would enter into force until 1 November 2020. The MP called on his colleagues to vote for the initiative.

Afterwards voting of the items debated in the second reading was held.

The parliament passed in the second reading completely the bill on Making Amendments and Addenda to the RA Law on Joint Stock Companies and the enclosed presented package of bills.

As a result of voting, the package of bills on Making Addenda to the Law on Legal Regime of the State of Emergency and on Making Addendum to the Law on Electronic Communication was not passed. The RA NA Bright Armenia and Prosperous Armenia factions did not take part in voting.

Covering the agenda the National Assembly ended the work of the extraordinary sitting.

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