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Parliament Debates Report on Procedure of Implementation of RA Government Programme for 2019 and Its Results
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On May 6, the RA National Assembly continued debating the work of the regular sittings and passed by voting the bills debated on the previous day.

The RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan presented for debate of the parliament the Report on the Procedure of the Implementation of the RA Government Programme for 2019 and Its Results approved by the N 65-A decision of the RA Government of 8 February 2019.

Before turning to present the figures, the Prime Minister noted that according to the Government Programme, at the coming years the activities of the Government would be aimed at building competitive and inclusive economy in accordance with high technological, industrial, environmental high standards. One of the ley provisions of the Government Programme is also the boosting of the employment and the reduction of poverty.

The Prime Minister not only presented the achievements of this year, but also touched upon the events aimed at overcoming the crisis conditioned by the coronavirus pandemic and the further activities.

The Prime Minister also answered the MPs’ questions, which related to the foreign policy, the reforms of the judicial system, the economic policy. In their questions, the parliamentarians referred to the steps directed to the restoration of the economy after the pandemic, in the loaning of agriculture by the Government the possibilities to be provided to the banking system, the development of the mechanisms of the protection of the foreign investments, the growth of the crime number, the activities of the law enforcement system and other problems.

According to the Prime Minister, their goal is to get the economy not to the situation before the pandemic, but to get it to a new situation. In this process, Nikol Pashinyan especially highlighted the role of the education, noting that the education would become a national way of living.

Speaking about the foreign political processes, the Prime Minister reminded the slogan of our country’s foreign policy, i.e. Pan-Armenianism, Self-Sovereignty and Partnership.

Regarding the democratic progress Nikol Pashinyan noted that Armenia recorded the highest index of the democratic improvement in the history of the Nations in Transit report of the Freedom House.

Talking about the steps of the Government aimed at the enlivening of the economy the Prime Minister underlined that the money would be invested not in the social support, but as a capital investment and opportunity for work.

Continuing to answer the MPs’ questions, the Prime Minister emphasized the development of the distance education system, talked about the processes of the subsidy in the sphere of agriculture and overcoming of poverty and underlined the importance of the investment of the declaration mechanism.

In his speech the RA Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Suren Papikyan noted that to improve the sphere during 2019 the Government had taken a number of steps, including the legislative amendments. Social support had been given to the residents living in the border communities through providing partial compensation for natural gas, energy, irrigation water tariffs, and property and land tax. The speaker also talked about the works of the current year.

The parliament will continue the debate at May 7 NA sitting.

At the last sitting of the day, in accordance with the RA Constitutional Law the NA Rules of Procedure, the members of the Government answered the MPs’ questions.

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