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Executive Document of Incomes and Expenditures on European Integration Debated at Joint Sitting of Committees
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On June 11, at the joint sitting of the RA National Assembly Standing Committees on European Integration and on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs moderated by Arman Yeghoyan and Mane Tandilyan, the budgetary debates continued. The MPs touched upon the executive document of the incomes and expenditures on European integration of the annual report on Execution of the RA State Budget for 2019.

The RA Minister of Finance Atom Janjughazyan presented the financial indices on the loans.

The RA Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan has underlined that our relations with the EU member states have continued remaining the priorities of the RA foreign policy. It has been noted that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has continued implementing consecutive work on the ratification process of the RA-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement, the launch of the dialogue over Armenia-EU entry visa liberalisation, the strengthening of cooperation in the framework of the multi-lateral platform of the Eastern Partnership and in all directions, which form the RA-EU relations.

The document has affirmed that its ratification is necessary for the complete application of Armenia-European Union Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement by the EU member all states, underlining that our country has no political obstacle to end the ratification process and turn to the implementation of the Agreement in the whole volume. Zohrab Mnatsakanyan presented the events organized by the Ministry in the process of the Agreement application. He reminded that on 1 June 2019 the Road Map of the Agreement application was approved by the RA Prime Minister’s decision, it was considered welcoming at the RA-EU Partnership Council Meeting.

Touching upon the problem of the launch of the dialogue over Armenia-EU entry visa liberalization, the Minister opined that our country should be assessed according to the work done and the capabilities.

He has underscored that the EU has supported in the process of Armenia’s reforms, which was also reflected on the allocation and pandemic support in the framework of the annual support programme in 2019.

The Minister emphasized the relations with the EU on the Eastern Partnership platform and presented in that context the implemented events. He also underscored the efficiency of the RA-EU Partnership on the parliamentary platform.

The RA Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan, who is also the Chairman of the Inter-Departmental Committee coordinating the events ensuring the application of the RA-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement and the document the RA-EU Partnership priorities, has presented to the MPs details on the process of the RA-EU Agreement, noting that the second or brief Road Map is already ready, and it will be presented in the near future. According to the Deputy Prime Minister, afterwards all the provisions of the document approximation and application will be fully implemented.

The MPs’ questions to the speaker were related to again turning to GSP+ system, the visa liberalization process, the cooperation in the framework of the Eastern Partnership, the work done by the diplomatic services in the pandemic conditions, the obstacles of the RA-EU Agreement application, the priorities of the Road Map, the standards established for them, etc.

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