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At Sitting of RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations

On September 7, the regular sitting of the RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations moderated by Ruben Rubinyan was held.

The draft laws on Ratifying the Protocol of Applying the Agreement on the Readmission of the Persons Residing without Authorisation between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria, on Ratifying the Protocol of Applying the Agreement on the Readmission of the Persons Residing without Authorisation between the Republic of Armenia and the Benelux States (the Kingdom of Belgium, the Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, between the European Union and the Republic of Armenia and on Ratifying the Protocol of Applying the Agreement on the Readmission of the Persons Residing without Authorisation between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany signed on 19 April 2013 between the Republic of Armenia and the European Union, presented by the Head of the Migration Service of the RA Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Armen Ghazaryan, was discussed.

As Armen Ghazaryan informed, the abovementioned last Agreement entered into force from 1 January 2014.

The co-speakers the RA NA deputies Anush Begloian, Shirak Torosyan, Sos Avetisyan highlighted the ratification of the Agreement and called on the deputies to endorse the draft laws.

The RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations approved the bills.

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