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Ararat Mirzoyan Meets with Catholicos of All Armenians
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On September 8, the President of the RA National Assembly received His Holiness Karekin II Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians.

Thanking the Catholicos for accepting the invitation for the meeting, the NA President has noted that a number of items of public sounding concerning church-state, church-educational system are under discussion, and has added that throughout many centuries the Armenian Apostolic Church has been one of the pillars of the Armenians, and in the 21st century continues the close cooperation with the state for the Armenians’ welfare.

Thanking the NA President for the reception the Catholicos of All Armenians has stated that numerous issues face our people and state, in confronting those challenges the legislative mission of the National Assembly is greatly important. In this respect, the Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians wished effective work to the President and the deputies of the National Assembly. He has added that since independence, the Armenian Apostolic Church has closely cooperated with the National Assembly, and that cooperation has its positive result in revision of the legislation regulating church-state relations.

Ararat Mirzoyan and Catholicos Karekin II touched upon the issues regarding the international conventions and educational standards. His Holiness reaffirmed that the Armenian Apostolic Church would continue the efforts for supporting our Motherland, strengthening our state and building our people's happy, peaceful and secure life.

The Head of the parliament in his turn has stressed that the main key of the activities of the National Assembly is ensuring the eternity of our statehood and nation.

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