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At RA NA Special Sitting Item on Declaring Martial Law in the Republic of Armenia Discussed
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On 27 September 2020, the RA National Assembly by validity of law convened a special sitting of the National Assembly, conditioned by the decision of the Government on Declaring Martial Law in the Republic of Armenia. The special sitting was convened pursuant to Article 119.2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and Article 47.1 of the Constitutional Law the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly.

There was quorum: 115 MPs were registered.

One item was included in the agenda: the decision N 1586 N on Declaring Martial Law in the Republic of Armenia of the Government of 27 September 2020.

The RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan delivered a speech. The Prime Minister informed that today, in the morning, the armed forces of Azerbaijan organized large-scale attack along the defensive positions of Artsakh. First of all, infantry and artillery attack had been undertaken, after which heavy technique had been operated, and practically, all the positions of the Defense Army had become the target of the assault along the entire line of contact. “In fact, this is the attempt of Azerbaijan to solve the issue of Artsakh through military way and occupy Nagorno Karabakh. This is an action of evident aggression. Taking into consideration the fact that in the created military-political situation there is also direct threat of assault on the borders of Armenia, the RA Government has declared martial law and general mobilization,” Nikol Pashinyan stressed.

He has informed that at this moment the Artsakh Defense Army fights in the battles, the situation is tense, there are victims both among the civilian population and military servicemen. The Prime Minister has noted that at this moment there is fixed situation. According to him, at this moment it is not possible to give a complete evaluation, as the situation is developing.

In accordance with the Constitutional Law the NA Rules of Procedure, the representatives of the factions delivered speeches.

Taron Simonyan and Edmon Marukyan delivered speeches on behalf of the RA NA Bright Armenia Faction.

“Today, we are standing before one of the greatest challenges, war and we’ll overcome it, as we have no option,” Taron Simonyan stressed, adding that the current situation is a border, which is drawn between the civilized and non-civilized nations, between the legal and non-legal states, humanist and xenophobic peoples, dictatorial and democratic states. The MP has underlined that today aggressor Azerbaijan has violated several international legal principles, also violating the most important thing – the right to life.

“Everybody is ready to die, but now it is time to make them die, now we shall make those attacking us die, we shall not die now, we shall live, and we shall solve this issue and not leave it to our children, we shall solve with this war this issue eventually,” the Head of the Faction Edmon Marukyan said. He proposed to discuss and recognize the independence of the Artsakh Republic with its consequences.

Naira Zohrabyan and Mikayel Melkumyan delivered speeches on behalf of the RA NA Prosperous Armenia Faction.

As Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs, Naira Zohrabyan addressed to all European structures, distinctly presenting the situation and the inadmissible participation of Turkey. “I am not pleased with the ‘graceful’ diplomatic formulations of the international structures and this workstyle of putting a sign of regular equality between the parties,” the MP noted. The Faction proposes to be united, underlining that today the country has one enemy: Azerbaijan together with Turkey. According to the MP, the international community shall give a distinct evaluation to this process of the direct participation of Turkey.

According to Mikayel Melkumyan, everybody is ready to die, doing deeds. He touched upon the issue of Armenia signing military-political alliance with Artsakh and highlighted the beginning of the recognition process of Artsakh’s independence by the RA.

Lilit Makunts and Sasun Mikayelyan gave speeches on behalf of My Step Faction.

“During the last period the aggressive rhetoric, the large-scale military exercise of Azerbaijan, and refusing from the mechanisms of monitoring being proposed by the OSCE are nothing but evident testimony to the fact that all this is a preliminary planned large volume provocation, which directly endangers the regional peace and security,” the Head of the Faction Lilit Makunts said. According to her, the targeting of the civilian settlements and infrastructures, in July the chanting ‘death to Armenians’ during the demonstrations in Baku, the official threat of bombing Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant are shouting facts why we, Armenians, speak about existential right, right to live and the ethnic hatred towards by the Azerbaijanis. The MP has noted that the July battles already on the state border of Armenia testify to the fact that this is not only a territorial fight for Azerbaijan, not only merciful attempts of keeping Ilham Aliyev’s dictatorial power, but first of all use of deadly aggression with the attempt of ethnic annihilation, to which, according to him, any attempt through military means will meet adequate answer by the whole Armenian people.

Sasun Mikayelyan has compared the military operations carried out by Azerbaijan today in the morning with the war of 1990s, underlining that it has the same handwriting and the goal: to deport the population of Artsakh. Making parallels between the war of the 90s, the speaker has informed that the ongoing war is also imposed. Addressing the population and leadership of Azerbaijan, Sasun Mikayelyan has stressed that the Republic of Armenia will never lose. He has also underscored that this is the Armenian people’s last fight, which will end with glory. “We’ll stand with the whole nation and we’ll win,” he stressed, calling on all Armenians to get consolidated for one goal.

The RA NA Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan delivered a speech.

In his final speech the RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, summing up the speeches of the day, has documented that our readiness of dying for the Motherland expresses our resoluteness of living. The RA Prime Minister once again has underlined that it is a developing situation, and we shall be firm, this is a regular refuge of the millennia fight, and here many issues shall be solved.

The Prime Minister has assured that it is not possible to win us, because the victory of Artsakh heroic battle flows in our veins, and it is in our conscience.

“That victory is our spine, that victory is our identity, that is why it is not possible to win us,” Nikol Pashinyan said.

The National Assembly ended the work of the special sitting.

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