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Details on Meetings of PABSEC Committees Presented at Press Conference
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On October 12, the Head of the RA NA Delegation to Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC) Babken Tunyan, the members of the Delegation Vahe Enfiajyan, Anush Begloian and Artak Manukyan had a press conference to present details on the Meetings of the PABSEC Committees.

According to Babken Tunyan, the PABSEC is one of the most complicated international organizations, as the 12 participant states have disagreements with each other. Though it is an economic organization, but unfortunately, much more attempt is made to use it as a political platform.

The Head of the Delegation informed that on October 7-8 the 55th Meeting of the Cultural, Educational and Social Affairs Committee, the 55th Meeting of the Economic, Commercial, Technological and Environmental Affairs Committee and the 56th Meeting of the Legal and Political Affairs Committee were held. The debates of the agenda theme were focused on the works of the parliaments on the economic influence of the coronavirus and the role of the legislative bodies in the fight against the pandemic.

Babken Tunyan noted that before the beginning of the Meeting the Armenian delegates prepared a text of statement on the aggressive actions of Azerbaijan and Turkey, which was sent to the delegations. During the online Meeting Anush Begloian read the text of the statement.

“Naturally, as it was expected, the Meeting went on in a very impetuous atmosphere. They tried to respond to that statement, but in the end, it seems to me it became clear for everybody, who is responsible for all this, and what is the real reason,” the Head of the delegation underlined.

Speaking about the peculiarities of the organization, the RA NA Vice President Vahe Enfiajyan has reminded that the centre of the structure is in Istanbul, and the Secretary General is an Azerbaijani, among twelve states five have problems of territorial integrity. According to Vahe Enfiajyan, while presenting the statement by the Armenian delegation, the Azerbaijani and Turkish delegations delegation to disturb, asking to go back to the economic character of the organization and the debate of the agenda items. The speaker underlined that the representatives of the RA NA Delegation presented the specialized report, touched upon the political situation and did not concede their positions. Particularly, the representative of the Armenian Delegation was re-elected in the post of the Deputy Chair of the Economic, Commercial, Technological and Environmental Affairs Committee due to literate negotiations.

Artak Manukyan as a key rapporteur, will also present the theme at the Plenary Meeting of the Organization.

Anush Begloian noted that before the beginning of the Meetings the Head of the Delegation Babken Tunyan addressed with the letter to the members of the delegations, informing about the ongoing events in the region. Afterwards at the Committee Meeting before the presentation of the statement by the Armenian side the member of the Azerbaijani delegation made a report and did not present any statement, addition or objection, i.e. the Armenian delegation was the initiator.

She underlined that Vahe Enfiajyan distinctly and abruptly answered to the untruthful and non-reliable statements, the Armenian delegation called on the moderator to return to the agenda theme.

The members of the NA delegation underscored that irrespective of political views, the Armenian side worked coordinated and effective.

At the end of the press conference the members of the delegation also answered to the journalists’ questions.

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