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Ararat Mirzoyan Receives Ambassador of China
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On February 5, the President of the National Assembly Ararat Mirzoyan received the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to Armenia Fan Yong.

Welcoming the guest in the National Assembly, Ararat Mirzoyan congratulated Mr Yong on assuming the post of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the Republic of Armenia.

The President of the National Assembly has noted that China is one of the important partners of Armenia and has underlined that the political dialogue between Armenia and China is at high level.

Highlighting the cooperation between the legislative bodies the Head of the parliament touched upon the visit of the Vice Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Shen Yueyue to the Republic of Armenia. “Undoubtedly, the visit gave a new impetus to the cooperation between the two countries,” the Head of the Parliament said. Both sides have expressed conviction that after the end of the pandemic it is necessary to activate the personal contacts between the parliamentarians and the delegations.

In the context of bilateral cooperation, Ararat Mirzoyan also noted the active and effective contacts between the National Assembly and the Embassy.

During the meeting the President of the RA National Assembly talked about the necessity of the urgent solution of the humanitarian problems emerged as a consequence of the war unleashed by Azerbaijan against Artsakh, especially stressing the issue of the quick return of the Armenian prisoners of war and the captivated persons. Both sides underlined the readiness of Armenia to immediately resume the negotiations in the format of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs, to discuss all necessary principles for the settlement of the problem. In this respect, the balanced position of China for the establishment of the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh problem and lasting peace was highlighted.

In terms of strengthening of the Armenian-Chinese trade-economic cooperation, the Speaker of the Parliament has also emphasized the combination of the initiative ‘One Belt, One Road’ of the Eurasian Economic Union and China, taking into consideration the fact that this format can have its contribution to the sustainable development of Armenia, as well as the region.

The President of the National Assembly noted that Armenia always backed ‘One China’ policy.

Ararat Mirzoyan also highly assessed the technical and economic support of China to the Republic of Armenia.

Thanking Ararat Mirzoyan for the reception in the National Assembly, Ambassador Yong conveyed to him the warm greetings of his Chinese colleague Li Zhanshu.

The Ambassador assured that the Embassy of China to the RA and himself as a newly appointed head of the mission would do his best to further strengthen and deepen Armenia-China relations.

Completely sharing the evaluations of the Head of the Parliament about the visit of the delegation led by the Vice Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the of the People’s Republic of China Mrs Shen Yueyue, Ambassador Yong stressed that the latter admired Armenia and had wonderful memories. The Ambassador expressed readiness to more activate and deepen the cooperation between the two countries’ Friendship Groups. In that context Mr Yong emphasized the importance of the mutual visits and the visit of Armenia-China Friendship Group to the People’s Republic of China.

Regarding Nagorno Karabakh problem Ambassador Yong has noted that China welcomes the tripartite statement, highlights its implementation and is aware of the problems of humanitarian character. He has underscored that the PRC supports the work of the OSCE Minsk Group, and he is hopeful that it will be possible to solve all the issues.

Ambassador Yong has noted with great satisfaction the fact that during the last year the goods turnover between the RA and China had registered growth despite the pandemic unfavourable situation.

At the end of the meeting Ararat Mirzoyan congratulated the Ambassador Fan Yong on the occasion of the Spring Festival or the Chinese New Year.

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