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Legislative Package Designing Amendments and Addenda to Constitutional Law RA Judicial Code and a Number of Other Laws Passed in the First Reading
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At March 19 sitting of the Parliament, the law on Making Amendments and Addenda to the Constitutional Law of the RA Judicial Code and the legislative package on Making Amendments and Addenda to a number of enclosed laws were debated.

In his final speech, after the speeches and Q & A session, Vladimir Vardanyan touched upon the concerns on the disuse of the bail by the judges after the adoption of the package regulations.

“If a judge is convinced that the bail is a precautionary measure which will let getting justice then should apply it. This is our country, our justice system, and yes, the system must be independent, efficient and not obey the executive and the legislative bodies or any outside force,” Vardanyan underlined.

The legislative package passed in the first reading.

Three hours were fixed for the written proposals related to the package passed in the first reading, as well as presenting the endorsement of the Head Committee

RA NA President Alen Simonyan visits Yerablur
The RA NA President Alen Simonyan, along with the President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan, the deputies of the NA Civil Contract Faction and other high-ranking officials, visited the Yerablur military pantheon and paid tribute to the memory of those who died in the 44-day war.They laid flowers...

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