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Masters of Public Administration Academy Meets with NA Deputies
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On April 7, the Head of the RA NA Delegation to Euronest Parliamentary Assembly Viktor Yengibaryan and the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on European Integration Arman Yeghoyan met with a group of masters of the RA Public Administration Academy. The deputies introduced to the guests the structure and the activity of the National Assembly.

Viktor Yengibaryan detailed the activity of the Standing Committees of the Parliament and the format of cooperation between friendship groups and inter-parliamentary organizations. The deputy touched upon to the procedure for holding the regular sittings of the National Assembly.

The participants of the meeting were interested in war and post-war events and in inner political processes taking part in the country from the MPs.

The guests visited the library of the Parliament and got acquainted with the history of the legislative power in the NA library.

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