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At RA NA Sitting Letter-Request of a Number of Businessmen, Farmers and Citizens of Noyemberyan Region Read
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At April 13 of the RA NA sitting, during the deputies’ announcements the deputy of the Bright Armenia Faction Sargis Aleksanyan issued the open letter by a number of businessmen, farmers and citizens addressed to the RA NA factions, deputies, the Prime Minister, the Government, the Central Bank, the financial structures registered in the RA. The letter-request particularly reads that being residents of border region, they have laid on their shoulders the responsibility of the region development and in the conditions of the foreign investment absence they mainly made investments through loans in the very risky zone, trying in some way to solve the problem of unemployment in the border regions and before the eruption of Covid-19 decently fulfill the obligations, including the credit ones. However, because of anti-epidemiological restrictions, they could not only fulfill the credit and tax obligations, but many businesses also stand before the danger of closing, therefore problems emerged for guarantees borrowers. “We think that it is not difficult5 to guess what consequences it will have for the border communities: unemployment, emigration, emptying villages and communities and undefended borders,” the letter reads.

The authors of the letter underline that they repeatedly applied to the financial structures and relevant bodies with the proposals to lighten the credit load, but alas.

“With deep conscience and responsibility we approach the financial stability importance of the republic, but beginning from March 2020 the fulfillment of the obligations assumed towards the financial structures becomes impossible related to the impact of the insurmountable forces (Covid-19, war).

The authors of the letter-request given to the MP note that the seriousness and urgency of the problem oblige the following steps to be immediately taken:

To comply the borrowers’ credit histories of the border region and the classification before the situation of declaring state of emergency, annul the penalties and fines applied during that period.

To carry out credit reconstructions and unities for the borrowers of the border region, reviewing the credit terms and interests, taking into consideration the problems originated from the pandemic, to apply longer terms and milder interests

To declare state of emergency in the financial sphere with 1-2-year term for the borrowers of the border region, letting the coverage of the credits with free schedule. To terminate the credit cases being in the procedure of the Judicial Acts Compulsory Enforcement and the courts for 1-2-year term for mitigating the deepened alarm and emigration among the people.

According to the MP, the authors of the letter request and urge the MPs to undertake within close terms practical steps aimed at getting out of the financial collapse.

The authors also inform that their initiative has no political direction.

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