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At Sitting of Committee Currency Fluctuations Touched Upon
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At April 27 sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs, the Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank (CB) Nerses Yeritsyan touched upon the interpellation on currency fluctuations.
“The Central Bank does not forecast the currency. Our goal is the inflation. If we want to anchor the expectations of the inflation, which is the basis of stability in the country and with that the main means of protecting the purchasing power of the incomes by the AMD, then the currency should be more fluctuating, than the inflation,” Yeritsyan said.
The CB Deputy Chairman has underlined that the currency fluctuations are conditioned by the situation in the financial market. “We confirm that in the long-term respect, the main direction of our growth will be at the price of the productivity improvement, which supposes the currency evaluation,” Yeritsyan clarified.

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