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Cooperation in the Aspect of the Protection of Human Rights

On October 17 RA NA President Artur Baghdasaryan received Allar Jõks , the Chancellor of Justice of the Republic of Estonia. Larisa Alaverdyan, the Ombudsperson of Armenia attended the meeting.

During the meeting Mr. Allar Jõks presented the Estonian model of the Ombudsman, saying that being a parliamentary structure it includes the parliamentary control and the protection of human rights. It was noted that the Estonian model of Ombudsman enables all the citizens of Estonia to apply the Justice Chancellor for their problems, proposal of legislative amendments. The Estonian Justice Chancellor expressed his readiness with the legislative experience, as well as in the aspect of the study of that experience and the specialists’ training, to cooperate with the National Assembly of Armenia and Ombudsperson.

NA President Artur Baghdasaryan highlighted the positive result of the referendum of the constitutional amendments, which will become a new impetus both for the activeness of the parliamentary works (in the aspect of the increase of the powers) and the development of the new law on Ombudsman. They also discussed the issue of holding a forum of Ombudsmen of the European countries in Armenia in 2006.

Debates of the 2006 Draft Budget Continue in the RA NA Standing Committees
At the joint sitting of the NA Standing Committees on Social Affairs, Health Care and Environment and on Financial- Credit, Budgetary and Economic Affairs, Pavel Safaryan, Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy, presented the ideology of 2006 draft budget on social security, allowances, payment of t...

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