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In Parliament State Budget Execution of Health Care and Social Security for 2020 Debated
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At June 8 joint sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Health Care and Social Affairs and on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs the debates of the annual report on the RA State Budget Execution continued.

As the Acting Minister of Finance Atom Janjughazyan noted, the financial means used for the implementation of the budgetary programmes in the health care and social spheres were 36%. According to him, the year 2020 has been special: additionally, 75bln AMD has been allocated for fighting against coronavirus pandemic and anti-crisis events of social character were implemented. The Ministry of Health spent 141.8bln AMD or 98.2% of the specified programme. At the beginning, 109bln AMD has been designed to allocate for the health care sphere, but the specified programme has been 144.4bln AMD, which is 30% much more than the designed one.

In the framework of 13 budgetary programmes 63 events were carried out. The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs used 548bln AMD or 97.7% of the specified programme. These financial means have been used for financing of 141 events of 17 budgetary programmes. Here, the specification has been 14%: it has been designed to allocate 493bln AMD, meanwhile the annual specified programme has been about 561bln AMD.

The Acting Minister of Health Anahit Avanesyan informed that in the financial year the allocations were essentially more from the envisaged ones, conditioned by the coronavirus pandemic and war. In the sphere the budget execution was about 98.3%. A number of events were carried out for fighting the pandemic, works were done for providing decent medical aid to the servicemen and the civilians injured during the war. The system worked very tense, as they were obliged to work in several directions. The deviations are conditioned by the pandemic and war.

In the framework of the Public Health Care programme the designed events were implemented, the fight against the pandemic also increased. The doctors were trained, and the medical institutions were furnished with new equipment. In the framework of this programme people have been vaccinated and now continue.

The Acting Minister of Health informed that about 8000 servicemen and civilians wounded during the war received decent medical aid, due to which the amount of the hospital mortalities had been rather low.

The execution of medicine supply programme was 99.5%. During the financial year the state enlarged the breast gland screening programme, recording positive moves.

A question was raised relating to obtaining the equipment for the DNA researches. Anahit Avanesyan clarified that the state had no relevant sequencer for making judicial-medical, scientific-practical examinations, it was obtained in 2018 and operated from the end of that year.

The Ministry bought the second sequencer in 2020 out of necessity.

The Deputy Minister Tatevik Stepanyan touched upon the implemented programmed events in the spheres of labour and social security. She informed that in the financial year the non-fulfilled events were mainly conditioned by the pandemic. The budget execution was 97.7%, and more than 547bln AMD was used for 141 events of 17 programmes. The Deputy Minister has presented the implemented events, noting that administrative reforms also were made in the social security sphere and its goal is rendering more qualified services to the citizens. Legislative and other amendments have been made for neutralization of war consequences.

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