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RA NA President Ararat Mirzoyan Receives Members of CSTO PA Observation Mission
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The Speaker of the RA National Assembly Ararat Mirzoyan received the members of the CSTO Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (PA) Observation Mission.

Welcoming his colleagues, the President of the National Assembly has highlighted the readiness of implementing observation mission in Armenia by the organisaton and has assured that the elections will be free and transparent, complying not only with the RA legislation, but with the international standards.

The Head of the Observation Mission, the Deputy Chair of the Committee on International Affairs, Defense and Security of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan Kanybek Imanaliev said that they had already met a number of political forces participant in the electoral process. He also emphasized the existing trust in the organizing fair elections.

The member of the Mission, the Secretary of the Committee on International Affairs, Defense and Security Mukhtar Yerman of Mazhilis of Kazakhstan, welcoming Ararat Mirzoyan on behalf of the Chairman of Mazhilis Nurlan Nigmatulin, expressed hope that, as a result of snap parliamentary elections, a new page of Armenia’s development would be opened.

During the meeting Ararat Mirzoyan touched upon the situation created after the November 9 tripartite statement, ideas were exchanged on the agenda of the CSTO PA Council Meeting being expected in the near future.

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