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Sos Avetisyan Delivers a Speech at PACE Summer Session
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Ms President, thank you very much.

I also want to thank my colleagues Ms Petra Bayr and Mr Aleksander Pociej for noting Armenia's elections.

In a rather difficult period my people were able to wisely go to the elections and choose the government.

I'm glad that in Armenia democracy has won and that we remained on a democratic path, even after all of these hardships that were caused by the aggression of Azerbaijan against Artsakh or Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

What I also want to thank you for is the discussion of Armenian POWs that we had in April. This is an important base that helped us to kind of have an international pressure and also dialogue with Azerbaijan to release the Armenian detainees. I hope that this work will be kept on. This is perhaps one of the last times I'm speaking in this hemicycle, but I am sure that you have those files to continue this conversation, this pressure, because that's something that helps: the necessity that we continue asking to have these people returned.

What Mr Samad Seyidov rightly mentioned was the international mediation, which was very important. What he also forgot to mention are two things.

In the progress report it should be noted that on 12 May for example Azerbaijani forces made an incursion on the sovereign territory of Armenia. All the international observers including the OSCE Minsk Group chairs such as Russia, US and France, called on withdrawing the Azerbaijani forces but they haven't. They still remain there. That doesn't help peace. That doesn't help to the understand of the territorial integrity that we have spoken so much about.

Another important issue that I want to mention: the POWs or the existence of detainees in Azerbaijan has been denied for a long time. Now we see that there are detainees. In fact in a recent rather provocative action, when Erdogan and Aliyev were visiting the occupied Shushi of Artsakh, they basically conversed about these detainees as if they were some kind of, you know, gambling chips. There's a conversation about that and my colleagues will speak more about it.

I really want us to remain humans and I really want to ask to have these humanitarian issues sorted out as fast as possible because that will help the region to gain some confidence in the peace and prosperity that shall come promptly.

Naira Zohrabyan Delivers a Speech at PACE Session
At PACE Summer Session the deputy Naira Zohrabyan delivers a speech.“I spoke to the boys who returned to the country two weeks ago: they saw the other side of the prison in Baku. They were in hell. And I will call on you again and every day that concrete sanctions are needed, otherwise Azerbaijan co...

Deputy Naira Zohrabyan’s Speech at PACE Summer Session
The NA deputy Naira Zohrabyan spoke about fake news and anti-Armeniannism at PACE session.“Azerbaijan educated a whole generation that is growing up in hatred and hostility towards Armenians, and Armenophobia continues remaining state policy.When Aliev announces that they should drive away the Armen...

Tatevik Hayrapetyan’s Speech during PACE Session
“While the world was fighting the pandemic, children in Artsakh were in the shelters. So, one of the 8-year-olds remembers: we were lucky it was Sunday otherwise if we had gone to school it would be very hard to survive. As a result, actually of the Azerbaijani attack which was accompanied by the op...

Tatevik Hayrapetyan’s Speech at PACE Summer Session
The NA deputy Tatevik Hayrapetyan delivered a speech at PACE Summer Session during the debate of the report Media Freedom, Public Trust and People’s Right to Know.“Dear colleagues,Ladies and gentlemen,...

Deputy Tatevik Hayrapetyan Delivers a Speech at PACE Session
Dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen.As colleagues mentioned before and also my Armenian colleague Mr Sos Avetisyan said, Armenia has chosen the path of democracy. This is a fact, whatever it means for any of us. It's important that only our people can choose how to get out of the crisis in our cou...

NA Deputy Sos Avetisyan Delivers a Speech at PACE Session
Thank you, Madam Chair.I also want to thank the rapporteur for his work, which we have also discussed in our party.The thing with comparing Spain and Turkey is very difficult for me because, as an observer, for me, it is clear that Spain is a much more democratic country than Turkey, at this stage, ...

Sos Avetisyan’s Speech at PACE Session
Thank you, Chairperson.I would also like to join in congratulating Baroness Doreen Massey for her excellent work where she has looked at the Covid-19 pandemic and its challenges from the angle of how the children, the most vulnerable and most beloved group, are facing.A story that I want to tell you...

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