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State Duty to be Set for Providing Licenses, Permissions and Certificates to Export Copper, Molybdenum Concentrate and Ferromolybdenum to Third Countries
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At July 15 extraordinary sitting, the RA NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs debated in the second reading and endorsed the draft law on Making Amendment and Addendum to the RA Law on State Duty authored by the Government and passed in the first reading at the NA extraordinary session on the same day. It proposes in case of copper and molybdenum international high prices to set state duty for providing licenses, permissions and certificates to export copper, molybdenum concentrate and ferromolybdenum to third countries, aiming at creating and developing productions by using cleaner and ecologically secure technologies in the conditions of high price demand formed in the world market.

Since April 2020 international inflation or stable high price of copper is registered in the world market. In the international exchange the copper price exceeds 7.500 USD from December 2020, and it is 9.225 USD. The molybdenum registers stable price – 24.000 USD from April 2018.

The RA Acting Minister of Economy Vahan Qerobyan informed that after the first reading the Government presented amendments of technical character, which were accepted by the key rapporteur.

As a result of debate, the Committee members endorsed the draft law.

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