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Eduard Aghajanyan Receives RF Ambassador to RA
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On October 7, the Chair of the RA NA Stranding Committee on Foreign Relations Eduard Aghajanyan received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Armenia Sergei Kopyrkin.

At the beginning of the meeting, Eduard Aghajanyan welcomed the Ambassador, highly appreciating the Armenian-Russian allied relations and their continuous development, especially the mutual understanding and trust always being at their base.

The Ambassador congratulated Eduard Aghajanyan on being elected the Committee Chair, wishing him fruitful activity.

The interlocutors discussed issues related to the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, the inter-state, inter-governmental and regional cooperation.

The Committee Chair expressed satisfaction with the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries, especially the Russian side aimed at fulfilling the agreements of November 9, 2020 trilateral statement, as well as establishing long-term peace in the region. In the given context Eduard Aghajanyan referred to the provocations carried out by the Azerbaijani side and the violations of the fixed provisions of the trilateral statement.

Eduard Aghajanyan has noted that the return of prisoners of war and captured persons to the homeland continues to remain the most important agenda item.

The Ambassador has stated that the Russian Federation is actively involved in the process of establishing stable peace in the region. He also emphasized the importance of the Russian principle “all for all” related to the exchange of the captives between the sides.

According to the Committee Chair, developing events at both regional and international levels underscore the importance of friendly cooperation between two states.

The sides discussed the cooperation and the upcoming activities within the frameworks of the EEU, CIS, CSTO and a number of other structures and organizations.

At the end of the meeting, both sides highlighted the further development of the cooperation of two states – Russia and Armenia in different spheres.

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