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Details on Procedure of EEU Industrial Construction Investment Programmes in RA for 2020-2025 Presented
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On October 11, at the RA NA Standing Committee on Territorial Administration and Eurasian Integration, the Deputy Minister of Economy Varos Simonyan presented details on the procedure of the implementation of the biggest industrial construction investment programmes of the Eurasian Economic Union in our country for 2020-2025.

According to the rapporteur, in July 2020 an assignment was given to the Eurasian Economic Commission by the Eurasian Inter-Governmental Council for creating the EEU industrialization map. It is comprised of three directions: the big projects being implemented and planned and the information on the important projects for the relevant branches of industry are included in the first section. 178 big projects on 21 branches are included in the map with the necessity of about 200blm USD investments. At the end of the year the Commission will present the first report. “The map is available on the internet, all entities can make use information,” the rapporteur underlined. 500-600 technological directions regarding more than 20 branches of industry are included in the second section. The product groups with more significant volume of the import to the EEU customs territory.

According to him, Armenia has four free economic zones, the three were created with private initiative, the fourth one is the Meghri free economic zone.

Touching upon the procedure of the investment programme implementation, the Deputy Minister has said that debates are going in the implementation of some programmes. Varos Simonyan has informed that at this moment our country has a Trade Representative in China and in Iran.

The rapporteur answered to the MPs’ questions.

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