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NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Debates Initiatives on Legislation of Energy Sphere and Transport Means Electronic Passports
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At October 20 sitting, the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs debated the legislative package the legislative package on Amending the law on State Technical Control in the Spheres of Energy and Energy Consumption and on Energy.

The Inspection Bodies’ Bureau Coordination Head of the Office of the Staff of the RA Prime MinisterArtur Asoyan has noted that by the EEU treaty and the regulations designed by the legislation a number of technical regulations will not function anymore, so there is no need to establish the requirements and conditions with other legal acts being set by those technical regulations. Legal bases will be created for the implementation of the regular activity in the spheres of energy and energy consumption and the state technical control.

The RA Deputy Minister of Economy Varos Simonyan presented for debate the bill on Ratifying the Protocol on Joining the Agreement of August 15, 2014 on Organization of the Investment of the United Forms of Transport Means Passport and Self-Propelled Car and the Other Kinds of Technique Passport. A creation of the united information field is designed for the organization of the systems of the Investment of the United Forms of Transport Means Passport and Self-Propelled Car and the Other Kinds of Technique Passport and the electronic passports. United conditions of the information accessibility, a centralized system of the information integrity preservation, as well as the equal opportunities for the data checking and monitoring and the provision of the transport means electronic passports and a united system of formulation. Varos Simonyan has informed that there is reservation for our country: the influence of the Agreement is not spread on the RA armed forces, the transport means of other troops, on the self-propelled and other kinds of technique and the transport means of the special services will be.

As a result of voting the debated items were endorsed.

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