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Activity of Competition Protection Commission Touched Upon
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It is designed to allocate 544mln 269.000 AMD on the budget for 2022 to the Competition Protection Commission (CPC). At the joint sitting of the RA NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs and on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs, the Commission Chairman Gegham Gevorgyan informed about that.

The Commission studies five markets of the annual food and non-food goods, and its goal is the regulation of the competitive situation in the given markets. According to Gegham Gevorgyan, the Commission effectively institutional reforms.

Touching upon the situation in the petrol market, the Commission Chairman mainly conditioned the problem by obtaining petrol from one source. In this issue Gegham Gevorgyan has remained abstained from expressing the final position, as at this moment study is made. It has been informed that in the EEU the policy of creating one united market of oil products and gas is under discussion. The Commission raised problems on logistics and establishment of the united price.

“We have reservation on the brand import. The reduction of the retail margin number will not solve the problems, and practical other steps are undertaken,” the Commission Chairman said.

Presenting the statistical data, the CPC Chairman noted that in 2017-2018, anti-competition agreements were not or were not been disclosed, in 2019 there were two cases, in 2020 – four cases, in 2021 – one case. In 2017, the cases of the dominating position speculation were five, in 2018 – three, in 2019 and 2020 – 20, in 2021 – already 10 cases. In 2017, the cases of the indecent competition were registered 55, in 2018 – 35, in 2019 – 57, in 2020 – 70, in 2021 – 64. In 2017, 18 anti-competitive actions against state bodies were, in 2018 there weren’t any, in 2019 and 2020 six cases registered accordingly, and in 2021 – four cases.

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