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New Neighborhood to be Built in Shurnukh Community: Armen Ghularyan
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On November 2, the joint sitting of the NA Standing Committees on Economic Affairs and on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs was held, during the sitting, the representatives of the Government voiced about the means envisaged by the RA draft law on the RA State Budget for 2022 and the programmes to be implemented to the structures headed by them.

The Chairman of the Urban Development Committee Armen Ghularyan has noted that 588mln AMD will be directed to the expenditures for the maintenance of the structure, and 420mln AMD – for the construction of the new neighbourhood in Shurnukh community. According to the rapporteur, 13 residential houses will be built in the new neighbourhood, the roads will be improved.

1.155.000 AMD will be allocated for the development of the capacities of the committee and technical equipment: new computers will be bought.

Armen Ghularyan answered to the deputies’ questions related to the necessity of reconstruction of the emergency buildings, simplification and facilitation of the procedure for issuing construction permits from the viewpoint of investment attraction and etc.

Working Discussion in Dilijan
The two-day working discussion of the draft law On Legal Assistance with Criminal Proceedings and on the theme The processes of the implementation of the inner-state procedures stemming from the ratification of the Statute of the International Criminal Court and the adoption of the relevant legislat...

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