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The International Community Shall Not Remain Indifferent: Hovik Aghazaryan
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Dear colleagues,
last year November 9 tripartite statement was not the end of the war, but was a document for ceasefire which was the foundation to relieve escalation, hence we are in military situation now. This is a civilizational war, not only the war of Armenian people and Turkey and Azerbaijan, because the value system by which our neighbours are governed are not humanitarian. Today. this aggression goes on, and it goes on obviously, and as my colleague said there is no doubt as to which party initiated the aggression of provocations. With modern technology it is easy to prove, hence it’s obvious what is going on, what purposes are pursued by the Azeri-Turkish tandem and through our glorious army will prevent it, but unfortunately will have human losses. Therefore, I repeat my previous statements, that under the CSTO charter our partners must take necessary measures to prevent the aggression. Also the international community shall not remain indifferent to such activities in the 21st century and make the relevant statements.

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