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It is Planned to Carry Out Assessment Process of Person’s Functionality from February 1, 2023
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At November 30 regular sitting, the RA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs debated in the first reading the package of draft laws on Making Addenda to the Law on Rights of Persons with Disabilities and on Making Addenda and Amendment to Law on Person’s Functionality Assessment.

According to the RA Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Tatevik Stepanyan, the proposed amendments are of a technical nature and are due to the coronavirus pandemic. The problem is that experts from Cyprus, who cannot be absent from their country during the pandemic, should arrive in Armenia in order to carry out medical and social examinations. There is also another problem: to keep people with disabilities away from close contact taking into account the spread of the pandemic. Taking these consequences into consideration, the Government proposes to postpone the process of medical and social examinations until February 1, 2023.

As the Deputy Minister has said, now there are about 196.000 persons with disabilities in Armenia. According to her, this reform to be implemented in the sphere will have a positive impact on the quality of life of persons with disabilities or persons who care for them.

It will be proposed to include the package in the draft agenda of the NA upcoming regular sittings.

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