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Results of Privatization and Liquidation Transactions Implemented During 2020 Presented
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At February 3 sitting, the RA NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs debated and approved the 2020 annual report on the implementation of the State Property Privatization programme for 2017-2020.

According to the RA Chairman of the State Property Management Committee Arnak Avetisyan, the report includes information on privatization and liquidation transactions implemented during the 2020 calendar year, budget revenues from privatization, as well as privatization results, according to the investments made in separate companies and related to the profile maintenance.

“During the reporting period, the state-owned shares of 1 company in the form of direct sale and 2 in the classic auction were privatized,” the rapporteur informed and added that financial means received from privatization were 307.337.000 AMD, out of which 227.41.000 AMD were transferred to the RA state budget at the expanse of privatization, and 80.296.000 AMD were transferred to the community budgets.

There is also information in the documents on the liquidation process and the liabilities repaid as a result. “In the reporting period, the liquidation process of 1 organization out of 3 trade organizations was completed, as a result of which about 59.786.000 AMD of accounts payable were repaid,” Arnak Avetisyan underlined.

It was noted that an amendment was made to the programme - Hayavtokayaran CJSC was removed from the list of the privatization programme by the RA relevant law.

The debate of the draft law on Making Addendum to the RA Law on Procurements authored by the NA deputy Aghvan Vardanyan was postponed up to two months.

Ruben Rubinyan Receives Ambassador of Sweden to RA
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Concepts of electronic library and cultural, educational, information center will be defined
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