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The Problem of Teaching Armenological Subjects Concerns the Parliamentarians

At February 1 sitting of NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture and Youth the package of the proposed addenda in RA laws on Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activity, on Higher Educational and Post Graduate Specialized Education and on Education submitted by MPs Levon Mkrtchyan, Armen Roustamyan, Galust Sahakyan, Vahan Hovhannisyan, Rudik Hovsepyan, Grigor Ghonjeyan, Vahram Baghdasaryan, Alvard Petrosyan and Vostanik Marukhyan was debated.

Levon Mkrtchyan, co-author of the draft, informed that the necessity of the submitted legislative initiative is conditioned by the fact that during the last years the teaching of the Armenian Language and Armenological subjects is not carried out in decent way.

In RA law on Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activity the authors propose to have clear policy of state sponsorship of Armenology and approval of the Armenological development projects, to teach the subjects Armenian language and History of Armenia at least two semesters and finish with test or examination irrespective of the property of the higher educational institution in RA law on High and Post Graduate Specialized Education, and in the law on Education to finish the education with compulsory final examinations of the subjects Armenian language and History of Armenia in the middle and senior school.

The Committee endorsed the draft to put it on the agenda of the forthcoming four-day sittings of the National Assembly in the first reading, and the Committee Chairperson Hranush Hakobyan expressed a hope that before the second reading the proposing addenda in the law on Education, to which the Government negatively estimated, will be debated once again, and an acceptable version for both sides will be presented.

Armen Gevorgyan, Deputy Minister of Trade and Economic Development of the Republic of Armenia presented the draft laws on Copyright Law and Neighbouring Rights, on Making Amendments and Addenda in RA Civil Code and Amending the RA Criminal Code.

The Committee endorsed the on Making and Addenda to RA draft laws on Restoration of the Disaster Zone, on Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activity, on the Bases of Cultural Legislation, on the Lake Sevan, on Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, on Fauna, on Frontier Regions, on Physical Training and Sport, on Education, on Flora, on the Social Protection of RA Disabled People, on Child’s Rights, on Making Addenda to RA Law on Creative Workers and Creative Unions, on 2005-2007 Privatization Programme of the State Property, on High and Post Graduate Specialized Education, on Amending the Law on Electronic Communication, Protocol No 2 to 1954 Hague Convention on Protection of Cultural Property During Armed Conflicts, Agreement on Cooperation in the Sphere of Education between RA Ministry of Science and Education and RF Ministry of Science and Education.

Upon the proposal of Committee Chairperson Hranush Hakobyan and the authors’ consent the Committee decided to delay the debate on the namesake draft laws on Libraries and Library Work submitted by RA Government and MPs Heghine Bisharyan, Samvel Balasanyan, Mekhak Mkhitaryan and Hovhannes Margaryan and in connection with the issue, hold parliamentary hearings on February 22 in order to have the specialists’ opinions and develop with joint efforts a brief and complete draft.

Upon the authors' proposal the debates of 13 draft laws put on the agenda were also delayed.

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