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27 Young People to Pass Practice in Parliament
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A group of young people will pass practice in the National Assembly of Armenia within the frame work of the programme being implemented by the National Democratic Institute (NDI). On February 22, they were hosted in parliament.

The RA NA Deputy Chief of Staff Heghine Khachikyan, the RA NA President’s Adviser Hovhannes Nalbandyan and the Senior Resident Director for the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in Armenia Laura Nichols welcomed the participants of the programme and wished them effective experience.

Welcoming the youth, the RA NA President’s Adviser Hovhannes Nalbandyan has noted that the parliament never interrupts the connection with the new generation, permanently keeping open the doors before the students and the young researchers. Hovhannes Nalbandyan has stated that on the previous month the delegation headed by the RA NA President met with the leadership of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in the USA.

At the meeting the opportunities of making more effective the student-interns work in parliament.

As the RA NA Deputy Chief of Staff Heghine Khachikyan has assessed, this meeting is very important for making the further works more topical and effective. She has mentioned that the Staff of the National Assembly has already cooperated with the National Democratic Institute (NDI) for several years and has expressed satisfaction at the results of that cooperation, stressing the high level of the young researchers’ knowledge. Underlining the importance of the potential of the young researchers and scientists, assured that the Staff of Parliament would make possible efforts to convey the experience and the special knowledge, highlighting the conveying of the institutional knowledge and memory to the new generation.

In her welcoming speech, the Senior Resident Director for the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in Armenia Laura Nichols thanked the Staff of the National Assembly for giving such opportunity and continuing the successful cooperation. Laura Nichols has underscored that this third group of the young people also obtains new colleagues and forms new professional community besides knowledge and experience.

The duration of the practice programme in the National Assembly is ten months. It is financed by the USAID and the National Democratic Institute (NDI) implements it. Every year about 27 interns are included in the programme, aiming at familiarizing the youth of Armenia to the works of parliament.

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