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It is Proposed to Amend Law on Military Service and Serviceman’s Status
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On February 23, the regular sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security moderated by Andranik Kocharyan was held.

The amendment being proposed to the law on Military Service and Serviceman’s Status authored by the deputy of the Civil Contract deputy Hayk Sargsyan was debated in the first reading.

The idea of the initiative arose during Hayk Sargsyan’s visit to the families of the fallen servicemen after 44-day war.

The author proposes to release the conscripts from the compulsory military service having fallen (dead) parent or brother or sister in defending the Republic of Armenia or in the armed forces or in other troops during the military service in the military units of the foreign states deployed in our country by the RA international contracts.

The mandatory condition of being released from the military service by functioning regulations is also the fact of being the only male child in the family.

Touching upon the concern that the amendment can cause security problems for the armed forces, Hayk Sargsyan noted: “In 2022 it is designed to have 10 recruits for the summer conscription as a beneficiary of the amending law, and – 17 recruits for the winter conscription, in 2023 – 11 recruits for the summer conscription, 14 recruits – for the winter conscription.”

The co-rapporteur Vahagn Aleksanyan welcomed the initiative and called on to give endorsement/

The RA Deputy Minister of Defense Arman Sargsyan presented the position of the Government.

According to him, the executive body presented a number of proposals, which the author considered admissible.

The Committee approved the initiative.

The draft law on Amending the law on Rescue Service authored by the NA deputies Vilen Gabrielyan, Andranik Kocharyan, Armen Khachatryan was withdrawn from circulation.

It is Planned to Ratify Protocol on Prevention of Terrorism
The Government authored the draft law on Ratifying the Additional Protocol to the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism. It was discussed and endorsed at February 23 regular sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security. According to the RA Deputy Director of the...

Taguhi Tovmasyan Meets with Students
On February 23, the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs Taguhi Tovmasyan met with the students of the RA Public Administration Academy and Yerevan State University. During the meeting, the deputy referred to the model of parliamentary government in the...

An Opportunity to Be Given to Have Additional Income for the Communities
On February 23, the NA Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment Protection moderated by Vahe Ghalumyan convened the regular sitting.As the RA Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Hovhannes Harutyunyan has present...

Amendments Proposed to Regulations on Provision of Housing for Servicemen
At February 23 sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security, the legislative initiative on Making Amendments to the Law on Military Service and Serviceman’s Status authored by the NA deputy Taguhi Tovmasyan was debated in the first reading procedure.The servicemen often rent houses, ...

Ishkhan Saghatelyan Receives Members of European Parliament Marina Kaljurand and Juozas Olekas
On February 22, the Chairman of the ARF Supreme Body of Armenia, the RA NA Vice-speaker Ishkhan Saghatelyan received the Head of the European Parliament Delegation to the South Caucasus Marina Kaljurand and the Member of the European Parliament Juozas Olekas. The ARF members, the RA NA MPs Artsvik M...

Extraordinary Sitting of the National Assembly Not Held
On February 23, the extraordinary sitting of the National Assembly was not held because of lack of quorum. At 12:00, corresponding number of deputies were not registered. Pursuant to Article 51.4 of the constitutional law the NA Rules of Procedure, the registration continued until the registration o...

Deputies of NA Armenia and With Honor Factions Sum Up Results of Euronest PA Meetings
On February 23, the deputies of the NA Armenia and With Honor factions Anna Grigoryan, Artur Khachatryan, Artur Ghazinyan and Hayk Mamijanyan summed up the results of the plenary results of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly (PA) at the press conference.Touching upon the issue on delegation of Azer...

Standing Committee on Health Care Endorses Draft Laws Debated in Second Reading
At February 23 regular sitting, the RA NA Standing Committee on Health Care debated in the second reading a number of bills. With the endorsement of the Committee, the bills will be included in the draft agenda of the regular sittings of the National Assembly to be convened on March 1. The need for ...

Quorum Not Obtained at NA Extraordinary Sitting by 12:00
At February 23 extraordinary sitting, quorum was not obtained by 12:00.The NA Draft Statement on Ratification of Shushi Declaration by parliaments of Azerbaijan and Turkey authored by the NA Armenia Faction is included in the sitting agenda.Pursuant to Article 51 of the constitutional law the NA Rul...

NA Extraordinary Sitting to Be Convened
By the NA Speaker’s decision, according to Article 70 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and Article 41 of the constitutional law the Rules of Procedure, at the initiative of the deputies of the National Assembly, on February 23, at 12:00 an extraordinary sitting of the National Assembly...

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