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Parliament Debates Issue of Electing Member for Central Bank Board
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At March 3 NA sitting, the parliament debated the issue of electing member of the Board of the Central Bank.

Pursuant to Article 145 of the constitutional law the Rules of Procedure, the Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs proposed Levon Sahakyan’s candidacy presented by the Civil Contract Faction to the National Assembly for the vacant post of the member of the Board of the Central Bank.

The Chair of the Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Gevorg Papoyan presented the candidate’s biographical data and the professional work activity.

The candidate studied at Yerevan State Institute of Economics, candidate of the Economic Sciences, has a scientific degree of docent. In 2019, he entered the doctorate with the profession Finances, Accounting of Yerevan State University of Economics. He has more than 14 scientific publications, and he is an author of an educational manual.

Levon Sahakyan thanked the Civil Contract Faction for the trust. He touched upon the current situation of the financial stability and the challenges, spoke about the inflation problem and the policy directed to its restriction.

The rapporteur has documented that the Central Bank decently carries out the constitutional goals: i.e. provides the price and financial stability in the country. According to Levon Sahakyan, Armenia is in more favourable position by the recovery of the economy and the inflation indices.

The candidate answered to the deputies’ questions.

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10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of Inter-Parliamentary Union. live stream
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