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The Human Rights Defender to be Elected on February 8

On February 7 the factions spoke in favour of their preferable candidate of the Human Rights Defender at the parliament sitting.

Two opposition factions, Azgayin Miabanutiun (National Unity) and Ardarutiun (Justice) factions, defend Ruben Torosyan’s candidacy.

As Artashes Geghamyan, head of Azgayin Miabanutiun said, during the last three years there hasn’t been such sincere debate in parliament, what inspired a little the head of the faction. On this occasion he congratulated everybody and thanked the RPA and OE (Country of Law) factions for the given opportunity to Ruben Torosyan to speak from the tribune about the concerning problems of the society. As Artashes Geghamyan estimated, their candidate is distinguished with their stances of principle, what he proved once again during the debates.

The secretary of Ardarutiun faction spoke about the lack of the political traditions, noting that they should invite Larisa Alaverdyan, the first Human Rights Defender, to these debates and give opportunity to present the report on her activity. The deputy also noticed that in a number of countries the political majority yields to the political minority such posts. Unlike the internationally adopted principle of having Human Rights Defender independent from the authorities, the opposition MP predicts that we’ll have Human Rights Defender obedient to the authorities. Mr. Dallakyan negatively refers to the decision of refusing the broadcasting of the debates.

The MPS of ULP faction, as Gurgen Arsenyan, head of the faction, presented will elect being led by their own principles and conscience. Gurgen Arsenyan advised Larisa Alaverdyan, the former Human Rights Defender, to take advantage of her right to make her extraordinary public report.

Levon Mkrtchyan, head of ARF faction, before touching upon the proposed candidates, spoke about the former Human Rights Defender, noting that she succeeded to create positive atmosphere around this institute, made the first step of formation. The faction highlights the parliamentary process of electing the Human Rights Defender, observing it in the context of constitutional reforms and democratization. In the results of reforms, the Human Rights Defender got new opportunities, noted he. The ARF defends Armen Harutiunyan’s candidacy, considering that he proved with experience his abilities of being a good lawyer and organizer and has an experience of political activity. Levon Mkrtchyan considered incomparable Ruben Torosyan’s subjective approaches to this post. The faction, unlike the coalition colleagues, hasn’t signed for proposing the candidacy of the latter. Levon Mkrtchyan informed that Ruben Torosyan is a former member of ARF Dashnaktsutiun party he was ousted in 1996 for breaking the party statute and principles.

Samvel Balasanyan, head of OE/Country of Law faction considered important that the issue of the election of the Human Rights Defender was debated in the conditions of plurality. The OE observes the formation of this institute as a precondition of the establishment of democracy. Samvel Balasanyan highly evaluated Armen Harutiunyan’s activity and experience, his contribution in the process of constitutional reforms. The OE is ready to work with the Human Rights Defender, concluded the head of the faction.

The Human Rights Defender will hold the post six years, and the elections of the coming year predetermine change of power, said Galust Sahakyan, head of RPA faction. In his view the decision of presenting Armen Harutiunyan was right, and he will perform his functions decently.

In his extraordinary speech Tigran Torosyan, NA Vice President, first thanked Larisa Alaverdyan, for working sincerely and serving the people. He presented that their signature for Ruben Torosyan should not be conditioned by having an alternative candidate by the coalition’s desire. This was a support to the opposition colleagues , and opportunity to represent their candidate. In broadcasting-not broadcasting the sitting the Vice President said that the approach of making public the debates is welcoming, what can’t be said, however, about the negative atmosphere in the parliament and presenting the colleagues non respectful attitude to the public. He was also against making accusations from the tribune without grounds. In Mr. Torosyan’s view, whoever be the Human Rights Defender should have the parliament’s support.

In his final speech Ruben Torosyan mentioned that he wouldn’t withdraw his candidacy. Armen Harutiunyan declared that he knows where he’s going and why and he doesn’t avoid the responsibility.

The election of the Human Rights Defender will take place on February 8. As Gagik Melikyan, Chairman of the Ad-hoc Accounting Committee, said that the outcomes of the election in secret ballot will be presented to public at 2:30p.m.

The MPs debated in the parliament for adopting the draft on Making Amendment and Addenda in RA Labour Code for the second reading and draft on Organizing Burials and on Operating the Cemeteries and Crematoriums for the third reading. In the third day of the four-day sittings the MPs will debate the NA deputies’ submitted addenda to the law on High Education and Post Graduate Specialized Education.

According to the Rules of Procedure, at the end of the sitting the MPs will make statements.

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