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2021 Performance of Ministry of Environment Debated in NA Standing Committee
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At March 16 regular sitting of the RA NA Standing Committee on Territorial Administration, Local Self-Government, Agriculture and Environment Protection, the RA Minister of Environment Hakob Simidyan presented the 2021 performance on programmes implemented by the Ministry. It should be noted that on these days, the Report on Implementation Process and Results of the RA Government Programme for 2021 (2021-2026) approved by the N 234-A Decision of the RA Government on February 28, 2022 is debated in the NA Standing Committees.

Hakob Simidyan informed that the Ministry carried out its activities in 2021 in accordance with the 20 priority directions in the sphere of management fixed by the Government programme.

The Government approved Armenia’s updated 2021-2030 Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) under Paris Agreement, according to which, Armenia undertakes to increase the forest cover by 12.9% of the territory of Armenia, as well as to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 40% compared with the level of emissions in 1990.

In 2021, the Project “Environmental Protection of Lake Sevan” (EU4Sevan) funded by the EU and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) kicked off. The overall budget for the project is € 5,7 million. The project is aimed at improving the ecosystem, water monitoring and management of the Lake Sevan catchment basin. In 2021, due to the equipment, the overall cost of which was 132mln AMD, cleaning of flooded areas of Lake Sevan were carried out in the area of 4.18 ha.

Hakob Simidyan also presented other work done by the Ministry.

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