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The High Level of Relations Between Armenia and Georgia is One of the Important Factors Ensuring the Security in the South Caucasus: Alen Simonyan
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On April 5, at the invitation of the RA NA President Alen Simonyan the delegation led by the Speaker of Parliament of Georgia Shalva Papuashvili is in Armenia on an official two-day visit.

The meeting of the Speakers of Parliaments of Armenia and Georgia began with a private talk, which was followed by the debate in the extended format.

Welcoming the guests, Alen Simonyan has documented that our country is concerned about the further development of special good-neighbourly relations with Georgia. Alen Simonyan has reminded that that position is also expressed in the Action Plan of the Government of Armenia for 2021-2026.

Both sides congratulated each other on the occasion of the establishment of the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Armenia and Georgia.

The parties have recorded that the deepening of relations in many spheres of the two countries is of mutual importance.

The RA NA President expressed conviction that the mutual trust, the strengthening of continuous dialogue and cooperation would promote the regional security and stability.

The rise of the important role of parliaments after the constitutional amendments in Armenia and Georgia was voiced. The sides considered the cooperation between the legislative bodies one of the important directions of the relations between the states.

During the discussion the closer cooperation between the Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Groups was spoken about. Proposals were sounded from both sides also on other formats of cooperation of parliaments, which would be documented in the near future.

Touching upon the regional security issues and the 44-day war aftermath, Alen Simonyan has noted that the high level of relations between Armenia and Georgia is one of the important factors ensuring the security in the South Caucasus.

The Head of Parliament considered urgent the distinct response of the international community for preventing the humanitarian crisis, as well as the immediate involvement of the international humanitarian structures without obstacles in the Nagorno Karabakh.

The colleagues also exchanged views over the membership in the European Union, discussing the priorities of the Euro-integration of Georgia.

After the meeting in the extended format the Speaker of Parliament of Georgia left a note in the Book of Honourable Guests of the National Assembly of Armenia, afterwards planted a fir-tree in the NA Park.

During the official visit the delegation led by the Head of Parliament of Georgia will have meetings with the RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, the RA President Vahagn Khachaturyan and the Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan.

A meeting is also scheduled with the Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II.

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