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Addendum to Law on Hydrometeorological Activities
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In order to regulate the creation and maintenance of the state register of persons providing hydrometeorological services in the field of meteorology and weather forecasting, the executive body proposes to make an addendum to the RA Law on Hydrometeorological Activities. The RA Deputy Minister of Environment Gayane Gabrielyan noted about it at the NA regular sitting held on April 12.

The draft proposes to reserve the authorized body the authority to maintain the register of individuals and legal entities providing services in the field of meteorology and weather forecasting. “The proposed addendum to the law is conditioned by the need to register persons in the field of meteorology and weather forecasting, the formation of a common market of services within the framework of the EAEU, and the exchange of data on the participants of the market,” the Deputy Minister said.

Gayane Gabrielyan noted that the adoption of the draft will allow them to harmonize the law with the EAEU legal regulations, as well as will ensure the effective implementation of a common policy and international obligations in the field of meteorological services.

The Deputy Minister informed that the draft law was debated and endorsed in the NA Standing Committee on Regional and Eurasian Integration.

The NA Vice President Hakob Arshakyan asked Gayane Gabrielyan whether there was any regulation in the sphere so far or not.

“All our EAEU counterparts have accepted the maintenance of this register, and they implement it. The only country that has not yet fulfilled that obligation is the Republic of Armenia. Unfortunately, we did not have such a precedent to be able to somehow coordinate and have comprehensive information before that,” the Deputy Minister said.

Gayane Gabrielyan has noted that there has been no regulation before, that is why the draft includes what the hydrometeorological service is.

The rapporteur stated that with the adoption of the initiative, the procedure of maintaining the relevant register will be approved by the decision of the Government, as a result of which, it will be possible to have comprehensive information, and it will improve the quality of services provided.

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