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Priority is RA Security, Inviolability of Our Sovereign Territory, and, of Course, Rights and Freedoms of Artsakh Armenians: Artur Hovhannisyan
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“We put all the truths on the table,” the NA deputy, the Secretary of the Civil Contract Faction Artur Hovhannisyan said at the meeting with the students in parliament on April 20.

The students of YSU, PAA and Russian-Armenian University present at the meeting undergo a probationary period in the legislative body.

The students’ questions, in particular, referred to the events around Artsakh, the Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations, the power-opposition parliamentary relations and the relations with the Diaspora.

Artur Hovhannisyan noted that the relations with the opposition in parliament are difficult. There were proposals from the power to meet and discuss all the nuances related to the foreign policy situation at this moment, but they adopted the path of street fight, not having an agenda.

Speaking about the negotiations, the deputy has underlined that the priority is the security of the Republic of Armenia, the inviolability of our sovereign territory, and, of course, the rights and freedoms of the Artsakh Armenians, from which the status of Artsakh will derive. According to him, there were negotiations until 2018, but they were at the deadlock.

The deputy expressed hope that future generations will not have to refer to the Artsakh issue.

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The live stream of the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union....

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